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For Established Female Business Leaders, Executives and High Achievers

Change Your Life in 1 Hour!

⇒  Good-bye Stress, Overwhelm, Distractions and Self-Sabotage! Good-bye endless hours wasted on never ending mindset practices!

⇒  Permanently welcome Clarity, Focus, Competent Actions, Clear Decisions, Ease and Peace inside and out – and the things that truly nourish you!

Setting a new standard for Mindset work around the world!

During This Powerful Training You Will Learn

  • Get the missing Keys

I will show you the Essence of Mindset Work that is simply not available in the Mindset / Self-Development world – that will allow you to gain lasting Clarity, Peace, Ease and Focus for yourself, in your life, work and relationships – without the need for an ongoing Mindset Practice. You will never look at Mindset Practices the same way!

  • Get simple, easily applicable principles to get fast results

I will provide you with practical, effective, and mind-blowingly simple principles, that my clients keep being astounded by, and that will give you access to wisdom that is instantly applicable to everyday life for immediate and profound internal change! Learn to master your mind, emotions, communication and behavior.

  • Experience Profound Mindset Shifts DURING the Masterclass!

I will share extraordinarily helpful, enjoyable and exciting tools, deep insights, profound shifts and a straightforward, relatable foundation for real and lasting change, all based on a powerful, award winning learning methodology

About Xian

Mindset and Life Coach of 30 years

  • Founder of Clear Mind Master
  • Winner Global Woman of Choice 2021 Award
  • Former founder and owner of Ahimsa Ashram Transformational Center
  • Life and Business Coach
  • Client manager for IBM London/High Achievement Award
  • Hewlett Packard – Golden Helix Award
  • Specialty:
  • -Deep Mindset release and rewire
  • -Personal Development
  • -Behavior, Emotions, Communication
  • -Trauma and Pattern release

Join me in this FREE 1-HOUR Masterclass!

Sat 4th March 2023, 1-2 pm CST








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* Please see confirmation page for workshop access details.

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In-action brings dreams, only actions bring results